New Layout New Hope

Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Ho Ho Ho...Telah kembali semula untuk update blog setelah sekian lame. Actually, i wanted to post this cuz i want her to know that she's mean a lot to me. For now and always been. The picture was taken when we were at Genting Highland during the study week in first semester degree.

I would like to wish her a Happy Birthday and I hope you'll like the present that i bought for you =)

"Lelaki yang betul-betul mencintai wanita itu, dia cuma akan menyentuhnya selepas bernikah"
                                                                                                   - Wardina Safiyya -

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ade hikmah kot? @@

Hello World, aku cube utk terus menulis blog ku yg bosan ni agar blog ku ni tidak disia2kn. First of all aku ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin kepada rakyat Malaysia especially kpd pembace blog ni (klu ade la,haha).

Selepas aku bertungkus-lumus struggle utk final, akhirnye i've been given a break for that. Sumpah degree lg ssh dr foundy. of course la, dh x bole main2 cm dlu.  time foundy dlu bole la lepak2 jap main gitar dlu, tido2 jap pastu nk dkat exam baru la start study. tp life changed. seriously x bole nk last minute sgt lah. men dota lg mmg tarikan that irresistible.haha

So sbb aku dh biase study last minute, x terlalu terkejut la sgt walaupn agak rush disitu sbb byk x cover lg.hoho. time pose jugak final ni. tp aku rase klu time pose ni lg sng sket nk masuk otak ilmu2 ni. mungkin sbb setan2 n iblis sudah diikat kut?o.0 haha.

Caption; serious shit aku x ske blaja ats meja yg ade barang lain cm laptop. so ini lah solution nye.haha

So, this sem aku target x tinggi kot sbb paper agama aku jawab cincai cm sampah.hoho. n paper hrm pon agak ssh sket.yg lain oke jer. so aku target 3.6 n above kot. mm..harap2 tercapai lah. aku nk jugak kekalkn dean's list every semester. so harap this sem nye result x jatuh. insyaAllah.

Hari ni hari raya, so cm bese lah. pg raye gi solat raya pastu minx maaf ngn parents pastu my house buat open house tp open utk relative je la n family. haha. esk nk blk kg. sumpah  x best. bukan aku x ske blk kg. cume kg aku tu x best. xtau npe tp makanan die mmg terbaik lah.hehe.

and for the title of this post, i just wanted to say that i feel grateful that im studying locally compare to oversea. First reason, i got a car, i got a new phone (sponsored), i get to taste malaysian food everyday, n about study aku rase x pressure sgt lah. aku rase klu aku study abroad lg byk peer influence kot yg bole mendorong aku supaya lalai n x blaja. study local pon aku dh lalai sket because of dota. haha. n the second reason is, when i open my FB acc, browsing all of the status updated by my friends, aku dpt tau yg ramai kwn2 ku yg akan fly yg dh lps A-level nye program. mmg best la klu dpt jd cm diorang. tp ape jd klu x lps mcm ade sorang dua yg x lps?means that x lps cut off point n x bole fly. one of them tu terus x on9 fb kot mungkin sbb sedih sbb x lps. lg sedih kan. compared dr x dpt langsung. tol x? so aku ase itulah hikmah aku dpt pon peluang tu tp aku x lps useless gak kn?malu pon

Aku redha, aku x kesah la aku study kat mne pon, janji nnti keje mesti mantap n wallet kene tebal tu yg penting sebenarnye. tp x bole lupe kepade ibadah juga. dh sng jgn lupe Tuhan pulak. haha. lgpon aritu kt accounting sympossium, salah seorang partner Earnst & Young (one of the big 4 accounting firm) kate diorang lebih byk amik graduates from local compared to oversea. idk why tp x tau lah btol ke tidak ataupn die saje nk kasi semangat kpd sume student yg study local ni.huhu. klu btol bgus lah, klu slh pn aku x kesah pn. aslkn aku dpt keje elok, arap2 Jpa dptla antar aku kat GLC yg mantap. hehe.insyaAllah. Amin..

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bersih & Patriot


Saya sudah lama ingin menulis post ini tetapi tidak berkesempatan.
HAHA, blog ini sudah menjadi blog mengenai politik pula..

Pada hari ini iaitu pada 9 Julai 2011 telah diadakan 'Perhimpunan Haram' yang diadakan secara haramnya oleh Parti Bersih sendiri yang memprotes kerajaan untuk mengadakan pilihanraya yang bersih dan tulus.
Seperti salah seorang rakyat jelata telah berkata, "Kotor di baju sendiri tidak dikesah, tetapi kotor di kepala orang mahu dibersihkan."

Bagi pendapat saya, Parti Bersih ini memberi impak yang negatif terhadap Negara Malaysia yang telah sekian lama aman dari rusuhan sejak tahun 1957 (Peristiwa 13 Mei dikecualikan) sehinggalah James Bond 007 telah dilepaskan dari Penjara Pudu pada zaman pemerintahan Pak Lah.

ANDA TIDAK PERASANKAH? James Bond inilah yang suka membawa huru-hara negara ini. Apakah tujuan beliau?mahu jadi perdana menteri? Adakah boleh diberi jaminan jika parti pembangkang (khususnya PKR yang yang telah hancur partinya) memerintah Malaysia, sistem pemerintahan akan menjadi tulus?

Secara terangnya, saya berpendapat bahawa semua politik kotor dan tiada politik yang boleh menyerupai Sistem Pemerintahan Khulafa' Ar-Rashidin pada zaman dahulu. Tiada politik yang akan bersih daripada korupsi dan rasuah jika tidak mengikut cara pemerintahan Islam.

Tadi saya melihat berita di televisyen, ramai di kalangan rusuhan tersebut terdiri daripada orang Melayu sendiri. Tidak malukah melihat Melayu bergaduh sesama Melayu? Kita sebagai orang Melayu haruslah bersatu hidup di kalangan masyarakat yang berbilang kaum. Orang Melayu harus fikir betapa perit dan susahnya bagi mendapatkan keamanan dan kemerdekaan untuk negara tercinta ini jika kita renung kembali ketika zaman Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Apakah kebaikan daripada rusuhan yang dibuat oleh Parti Bersih ini?ADA? Impak negatif banyaklah..sistem ekonomi terganggu, semua kedai tutup, kesesakan jalan raya dan mungkin ada yang mati. BUKALAH MATA. FIKIRLAH SEJAUH-JAUHNYA JANGAN BERFIKIRAN SEMPIT. Kaji dahulu James Bond (Anwar Ibrahim) itu, baru lah tahu siapa dalang yang mahu menhancurkan Negara Malaysia tercinta ini.

Apa yang mereka dapat? Buang masa dan tenaga.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Agen 007

This is not an anti-PKR's blog post. I just wanted to express my opinions regarding the political matters that is happening right now in Malaysia.

I am not Pakatan Rakyat's supporters, neither Barisan as I'm only 20 years old this year. I'm really worried about this country. The administration had becoming worse even more after the PRU-12 when Pakatan Rakyat had taken down five states; Kedah, Selangor, Perak, Kelantan and Pulau Pinang. At first, i'm relieved knowing that Pakatan Rakyat is getting stronger after Anwar been released from the prison.

I wished that Tun Mahathir never be old and continues to administer this country all over again. Though i hate him so much when he threw Anwar in prison, but when i think about it again, why Tun Mahathir threw Anwar in prison? There must be a reason for him to do that. He's not a fool to make a rush decision without thinking wisely. We can see that Tun Mahathir administered this country for 20 years and Malaysia is at peace within the period. A lot of developments been planned for the sake of our country such as Jambatan Bengkok's project. That was a brilliant idea from Tun as we can make a lot of benefits from that project, but unfortunately the project was not successful as the 5th Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi cancelled the project.

As i'm turning 21 years old next year, I'm afraid to vote which parties for PRU-13 that is qualified enough to be the leader of this country. From my point of view, Pas and UMNO should cooperate together in administering this country. I cannot trust PKR and DAP anymore. DAP with their racism towards the Malay is unforgiven (Pulau Pinang). After I watched Anwar's sex tape, I think it really was him. I've made a research about Anwar's background. He's from Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) before he entered Universiti Malaya. MCKK is a boarding school where the elite leaders are being develop there and it is a 'boy school'. Regarding the issue about Anwar and Saiful, I think Saiful is right about Anwar.sodomising him at the Condo. There is a high possibilities for him to do that and also when he's (Anwar) been accused for sodomise in 1998.

Besides, when i read about World's Bank wants Anwar's Skill on Keadilan newspaper made me think that, who is Anwar? Why he has a lot of friends and strong influence outside the country? especially when most of his friends are Jews or i can classify them as Zionis. Where did he get so much money to do campaigns for PRU-12 when he'd been in prison for 6 years long unemployed? For all the readers, you all should investigate the people who you want to vote as your next leaders, investigate it thoroughly and not just simply trust the media, the news that you watch everyday.

Watch this interesting video, i like the way he (Anwar) 'acts' to convince people among him and his supporters like a drama King..

Friday, May 6, 2011

Things that i spent during the holidays

The holidays will come to an end and i didn't spend it much by hanging out with my friends. On the 3rd May 2011 was my last day of working at Shell Petrol pump. i'm quite happy working there as it is not stressful when i was working at the Manhattan Fish Market. My manager is Malay, that's quite relief but fierce like a lion hunger to eat its own workers.haha. Most of the workers are Banglas but there're 5 malays including me. They were nice to me and they treat me like family.

My shift is at night. The last night of my day working, we celebrated at McDonalds at section 2 as my nicest friend kak fiza *not a real name* wanted to treat all of us but unfortunately not all of them manage to come because they have morning shift the next day, so they need to sleep early that night.

Now today, im asking out my friend adam to hang out with me and stunky at the curve and he said, "ko nk kene pukul ke?" =.=

Asking him out is like asking Mr. President out.HAHA. Everyday busy.huhu, but i've tried to reschedule it to tomorrow :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sabah bah bah bah

it has been a long time since i've updated my blog, hu. Laziness forbid me from updating.HAHA. Besides, don't know what to story until the day i went to Sabah.

On 2nd of April 2011, i followed my father to Sabah for vacation under his office's program (btol ke ni?whtevr). We depart from Lcct at 6.55 a.m (naik air asia je). Fyi, it is the first time i ever fly to oversea by air asia flight. The seat is not so comfortable due to the lack of spaces. What do you expect from the cheapest air fare company in Malaysia?ha.

As soon we arrived at KK*short form for Kota Kinabalu*, we've been accompanied by a hilarious plus crack tour guide namely Syamsul but he asked us to call him *Sam*.haha..Sam entertained us along the journey to our hotel with his stupid jokes that you cannot resist to laugh. Before we reach our hotel, he took us to historical place named Menara Tun Mustapha. According to the history, that tower is built upside-down which means that, a normal building should be built from its base to its top, but this tower is built from the top to its base. The British use the helicopter to build this incredible tower. In addition, this tower is made of glasses that can withstand the speed of wind of more than 270km/h which means, the tsunami or tornado cannot rip off this building from its roots.HAHA.

The sun is scorching our heads at that time. After taking some pics, we continue our journey to the hotel. The next morning, we went to Kundasang to see the view of mount Kinabalu. I never been to Sabah before, so this is my chance to see the highest mountain in Malaysia with my own eyes yeay.

After lunch, we went to Kolam Air Panas near the Kundasang village. They say that the water can cure your scabies (if u have one.haha), but i really didn't trust the fact because the water is not flowing as like in Indonesia which its geiser is flowing like a river. Do you think the sulphur contained in the water really kills the bacteria on your legs?i think not....they just accumulate the bacteria and make your legs worst even more. And so me, my dad and sis decided to do another activity which is canopy walk!

It's like jungle-trekking, but the most fun part is when you want to cross the 10 meter long bridge with height of  30 meter above the ground. scared of you...hahaha.

At night, we went to a Chinese Restaurant(yulk) to eat seafood. There, we've entertained by Sabah's Cultural Dance.lalalala

The next morning, we went for shopping at Filipino Market. When you go to Sabah, you should buy the 'kuih cincin'. It tastes nice and delicious. We catch our flight at 5.55p.m.

The truth is there's a lot more to tell, but i'll make it short.HAHA.lazy me.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hobi baru

oho, dh lame x update. malas nk type. lgpon lately aku sibuk dgn midterm examination. telah berlalu midterm finance 5 hours ago. Difficulty?agak okay sket. boleh gak ah jawab tp mesti ade mistakes nye. Dh la study last minute, nk pecah kepale. haha. xpe2. lps ni watchout sket, study awl sket lah.

ni sume gara2 D.O.T.A. haha. hobi baru ku. seronok gak ah main dota ni. walaupon dlu aku disgrace mende alah ni. tp skrng aku lak yg addicted kat mende ni. skrng still noob lg la sket. xpe blaja dlu(bukan study okay) pastu baru pro.

Malam ni aku xnk tdo, nk lps tension main game after midterm finance.haha. midterm je pon. lom final lg. klu final, xtau la cne. haa..kite kene balance between study and play. haha. aku rase skrng dh imbalance kot.hoh.

Tomorrow's plan > main badminton, siapkan meng-crumple balls (program ELC) pastu buat segala assignments. n then ready for islamic studies midterm.ho.

haha, kantoi edit. burok doe.